Üniversitemiz Senatosunca Kabul Edilen Uluslararası Alan İndeksleri


  1. AATA Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts
  2. ABC CLIO: America: History and Life Abstracts
  3. Academic Resource Indexing (ResearchBib)
  4. Accounting and Finance Abstracts
  5. American Humanities Index = Humanities International Complete
  6. Anthropological Index
  7. Applied Social Science Index & Abstracts(ASSIA)
  8. Applied Science and Technology Index
  9. Arbor Management Intelligence Abstracts
  10. Art and Humanities Index
  11. ATLA Old Testament Abstracts
  12. Australian Education Index (AEI)
  13. Automation-Subject Citation Index
  14. Bibliography and Index of Geology
  15. Biotechnology Abstracts
  16. British Education Index
  17. British Humanities Index (BHI)
  18. British Nursing Index
  19. Business Index
  20. Business Periodicals Index and Wilson Business Abstracts,
  21. CABI
  22. CAB Abstracts
  23. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
  24. Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations
  25. Chemical Abstracts
  26. Chemistry Citation Index
  27. Citeseerx
  28. CompuMath Citation Index
  29. Computer Science Index
  30. Conference Proceedings Citation Index Science (CPCI-S)
  31. Criminal Justice Abstracts
  32. Criminal Justice Periodical Index
  33. Criminology, Penology and Police Science Abstracts
  34. Crossref
  35. CSA (Worldwide Political Science Abstracts)
  36. Current Contents: Social and Behavioral Sciences
  37. Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE)
  38. Current Index to Statistics
  39. Current Law Index
  40. DI: Dental Index
  41. Design and Applied Arts Index (DAAI)
  42. Dietrich’s Index Philosophicus
  43. DRJI
  45. Education Abstracts
  46. Education Full Text
  47. Education Index
  48. Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
  49. Educational Research Abstracts Online (ERA)
  50. Ei Compendex
  51. Emerald Abstracts (Emerald Management Reviews)
  52. Environmental Abstracts Fuel and Energy Abstracts
  53. Enviro/Energyline Abstracts Plus
  55. ESCI Emerging Sources Citation Index
  56. Eurasian Scientific Journal Indexing
  57. Film Literature Index (FLI)
  58. Food Sciences and Technology Abstracts
  59. Gender Watch
  60. GeoRef
  61. Geological Abstracts
  62. Geographical Abstracts
  63. Health Safety and Science Abstracts
  64. Historical Abstracts
  65. Hospitality and Tourism Index
  66. Humanities Index
  67. ICI (Indian Citation Index)
  68. Index Copernicus
  69. Index Islamicus
  70. Index Medicus – PubMed
  71. Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals
  72. Index to Jewish Periodicals
  73. Index to Legal Periodicals & Books
  74. Index Veterinarius (Online)
  75. Information Science Abstracts (ISA)
  76. Information Science and Technology Abstracts (ISTA)
  77. INSPEC
  78. International Abstracts of Human Resources
  79. International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
  80. International Citation Index
  81. International Development Abstracts
  82. International Logistics Abstracts
  83. International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA)
  84. ISC (Islamic World Science Citation Index)
  85. ISI (International Scientific Indexing)
  86. Key to Economic Science
  87. Left Index
  88. Legal Journal Abstracts
  89. Legal Trac
  90. LISA (Library Information Science Abstracts)
  91. Linguistic Abstracts Online
  92. Linguistic and Language Behavior Abstracts
  93. Materials Science Citation Index
  94. MathScinet
  95. Metals Abstracts
  96. Mineralogical Abstracts
  97. MLA International Bibliography
  98. Multicultural Education Abstracts
  99. Nutrition Abstracts & Reviews
  100. Oceanographic Literature Review
  101. Open Academic Journal Index (OAJI)
  102. PAIS Bulletin
  103. Ottomanist’s Domain
  104. Periodicals Contents Index
  105. Petroleum Abstracts
  106. Philosopher’s Index
  107. Physical Education Index
  108. Psych-INFO
  109. Religious and Theological Abstracts
  110. Research Higher Education Abstracts
  111. RILM Abstracts of Music Literature (Repertoire International de Lıtterature Musicale)
  112. Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies (RASB)
  113. Scientific Indexing Services
  114. SciLit
  115. Scopus
  116. SocIndex With Full Text
  117. Social Services Abstracts
  118. Sociological Abstracts
  119. Social Sciences Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics)
  120. Sociology of Education Abstracts
  121. Special Education Needs Abstracts
  122. Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts
  123. Top Management Abstracts = Anbar Electronic Intelligence and Behavioral Sciences and Software
  124. United States Political Science Documents
  125. Urban Studies Abstracts
  126. Violence& Abuse Abstracts
  127. Water Resources Abstracts
  128. Wilson Omnifile
  129. Wilson Social Sciences Full Text
  130. Women’s Studies International
  131. World Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Abstract
26 Kasım 2018, Pazartesi 21938 kez görüntülendi